Monday, March 23, 2009

What is Digital Photography?

Digital photography is a process that begins with seeing the world, and then works toward an image that tells a visual story of that experience. Expensive equipment and perhaps even talent do not always make for a better story. You may need those if you seek to be rich or famous, and those fancier gadgets sure are fun. But, stories come in all sizes and shapes. Some are a little dark and even a bit out of focus, but they are all unique stories and I would like to see as many as possible.

Well, maybe that attempts to describe my interpretation of photography. The other part - the digital part - means some kind of technology was used to assist in this visual story telling. This typically implies electronics. Today, that usually means computers. So, seeing, electronics and computers all play a part in the process of digital photography.
What better way do describe this digital photography process than through an image? My interpretation of this image is shown in the figure above. We use this overview to help beginners see a bigger picture when learning about DP. You can download a jpg copy of this image from the handouts section of the sidebar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am really interested in saving pictures on the web.