Sunday, March 8, 2009

Photo Assignments

Giving yourself a photographic assignment is a great way to revitalize your enthusiasm for photography. By forcing yourself to "look" at the world in a specific way, you will start feeling good about using your camera. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Create images that are all black, or blue and yellow, or shades of red

Look for subjects that are circles, or perfectly square, or pyramids.

Black & White:
Take photos of subjects that will have a more interesting mood when you get them back to the computer and turn them into grey scale or even pure black and white.

This is my favorite. Look for images that will be photographed at a distance of less than 1 foot, or less than 1 inch.

All kinds of possibilities exist here. Try churches, old buildings, doorways, or skyscrapers.

Try something that is based on one of your hobbies, or even one that is not your hobby.
Cooking, stamps, knitting are some ideas to get you started.

This one is a lot more challenging. Try photographing happiness, sadness, or excitement.

You get the idea. Turn a couple of hours into a photographic assignment. Maybe go out with a few other photographers.

Leave a comment telling us of your favorite assignment topic.

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