Thursday, October 24, 2013

First iPhone 5S Photos

I stepped outside the Apple store and took these pics:

I upgraded to the iPhone 5S

I upgraded to the iPhone 5S. It’s sleeker, faster, and does more stuff.  Overall, I am pleased.
 The iPhone 5S comes with free downloads of IOS versions of  iPhoto, iMovie, Pages, Numbers and Keynote. These might normally cost as much as $45, so that was good. This also takes off some of the pressure of needing MS Office type apps on my phone and iPad, thus simplifying my huge collection of apps. These apps are also available on my iPad 3 free of charge (same iTunes account)

The camera is a bit faster and makes slightly better photos than my iPhone 4S, which already was very good. It also boasts a slow motion feature for videos. I already had IOS 7 on my 4S so most of the camera features I am used to. There is a color balancing set of LEDs (flash) on the 5S, but I rarely use flash, although I might experiment with color lighting in other ways.

Like with all these high tech devices, there exists the implication that if you add more memory and storage you can do untold things. –up to a point! Everything works well as long as you don’t add too many apps, don’t have too many books, don’t store too many songs, and don’t take too many pictures. Well that is just not me. Here is what my old iPhone looked like:

You may notice I like to carry everything with me (and I usually delete all my photos at the end of each year and start over); like to have few hundred favorite songs on tap, and try every app that peaks my interest (I had about 20 camera apps alone). I need and use the 32G iPhones.

Well my new phone choked at the Apple store after 5 minutes of updating. I finally went home, reset the phone, and started the app updates one at a time. I should be done in a couple more days. I think Apple expects the average user to stream music, take a few photos, and download a couple apps – maybe use facetime and the fingerprint reader.

I think I will slowly build my app collection to avoid duplication of services and create a more manageable collection. I notice that many of the apps are cheaper, but include in-app purchases to remove ads and add features. These phones are starting to feel like magazines; you buy one so that you can have access to advertisements to buy more stuff.

The only thing more efficient than an iPhone is a boat or hole in the ground where you can throw money. The only thing less efficient is Windows 8

Friday, October 18, 2013

iPhone Panoramas

These panoramas were taken using the iPhone 4s during the summer and early Fall of 2013.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Samsung WB800F Smart mode: Rich Tones

This setting looks a lot like what some cameras call HDR or High-Dynamic-Range.  The camera captures multiple images, using various exposures, to create a final image where both shadows and highlights have proper exposure. This final image is usually enhanced even further for dramatic effect. I like to post process my images even further for ultra vivid (unreal) effect.

preliminary images (more to come)

Friday, May 17, 2013

Samsung WB800F Smart mode: Continuous Shot

Hold the shutter down in the Continuous Shot Smart mode, and you get 5 images in less than 1 second. Then you can choose the one you think is best. I tried it on this crab.

These little guys were zipping in and out of their holes at great speed. They would come out for a snack, but if you just took a heavy breath in their area, they scampered back into their hole. If you look closely at each image, you will notice the movement of his small claw (probably munching on home fries).

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Samsung WB800F Smart mode: Macro

The Crab Orb Spider, a cute little guy, but a bit tricky to photograph. Since the spider is so small, there is always more background than spider for the camera to use for autofocus, and the web is always blowing in the breeze:

1. I usually focus on an object the same distance from the lens as the spider
2. lock in the focus (half press shudder)
3. go back to the spider in viewfinder
4. depress shudder fully

It took me at least 15 tries to get this picture.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Samsung WB800F Smart mode: Panorama

Many digital cameras and smart phones have a panorama setting. With the 23mm wide angle lens already a part of the WB800F, the need for panoramic scenes is not as compelling as on those cameras with a lesser wide angle option. Here is how the WB800F deals with panoramas.

(remember, click on each image for larger view)

Samsung WB800F Smart mode

 The WB800F  "Smart" mode is often called "scene" mode on other cameras. The subcategories in Smart mode are collections of camera adjustments that help in creating the best image under certain focus and lighting conditions.

The WB800F smart modes or scenes include:
  • Beauty Face
  • Continuous Shot
  • Landscape
  • Macro
  • Action Freeze
  • Rich Tones
  • Panorama
  • Waterfall
  • Silhouette
  • Sunset
  • Low Light Shot
  • Fireworks
  • Light Trace

Friday, May 10, 2013

Samsung WB800F A-S-M mode:

Aperture Priority - by setting the aperture to F8.0 I noticed a significant improvement in the sharpness, especially using the macro focus. The ISO stayed at AUTO, although I did drop the EV down 2/3. The camera selected shutter speed varied due to the differences in shadow level.

F 8.6 

 F 8.6 

 F 4.33

 F 6

  F 6.2

  F 6

  F 8

Shutter Priority - slow speed captured early morning light, while fast speed stopped water drops.

Exposure time: 1/6 sec

Exposure time: 1/2000 sec

I did not use full Manual for any pictures as of yet.